- Act as legal agents or representatives as directed by the church, signing all legal documents involving the purchase, sale, mortgaging and rental church property, only upon direction by the church.
- Maintain inventory of all legal documents, in conjunction with clerk.
- Counsel with church staff, key leaders, committees or organizations concerning legal matters.
- Hold legal title to all church property (as required by state law) and act only as directed by the church in regular or special business meetings.
- Make recommendations to the church concerning legal documents, property and other legal issues.
- The Board of Trustees meet the first Monday of each month at 6:30 p.m.
Chairman of the Board of Trustees is: Curtis Wooten

A church usher is an officer of the church he or she serves. He/She introduces visitors to the church by greeting them and to introduce them to other members of the church. The church usher helps the Pastor to make the service a success by putting the congregation in the right frame of mind to receive the message. The usher meets the people with a pleasant smile, a warm welcome, and directs them to comfortable seats. He/She also sees to it that perfect order is kept in and around the church at all times during the services.
Ushers are forerunners, for they prepare the church for the guests by being the first to arrive at the church; they receive the order of the day from the Pastor; they see that the church is in proper condition to receive the guest; they see that hymnals, fans, church literature, collection envelopes, and any other items that are to be distributed to the congregation are in their proper places. Church ushers are missionaries for the church for they perpetuate the spirit throughout the congregation.
The Chairman of the Usher Board is; Deacon Joseph Williams
To enlist and coordinate the manpower of the local congregation for an effective performance of essential Christian activities.
To cultivate the Christian life of laymen through study, worship, fellowship and service.
To enlist un-churched men for fellowship in and service through the church and to bring unsaved men into vital relations with God in Christ through personal commitment to Him.
To inspire men to support the total program of the Church in the local congregation, the community, the denomination and the world.
Beacon Light Union Mission
There are seven Mission Circles that meet the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of each month, and one that meet the second Saturday of each month and the Dorcas Circles, which meets the second Monday of each month. The Beacon Light Union Mission which is comprised of members of each Mission Circle meet every 4th Tuesday. When there is a 5th Sunday of a month the Mission has its Annual Mission Day, and each year in March, on every Tuesday is School of Mission.
The Mission President is;
Deaconess Freddie Hayes
Church Sunday School, is the principal setting for the teaching of the Bible, Church School provides opportunities for fellowship, spiritual growth and leadership. Sunday School is held each Sunday beginning at 9:30 a.m. Transportation to Sunday School is available by calling (785) 238-7434. There are Classes for all age groups.
Sunday School Superintendent; Rev. Alphonso Jefferson
Music Ministry
We have several choirs that minister God's word through music. Rehearsal times for each choir are listed on the Calendar.
- Angelic Choir (Adult Choir)
- Church School Choir (3-12 yrs.old)
- Male Chorus,
- Women's choir
Minister of Music
Sister Tracy Purnell
Youth Ministry
"Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it." Proverbs 22:6
Our youth ministry provides activities for children of all ages.
This ministry is comprised of youth ages 9-18. This program shall be designed to provide developmental and mission outreach opportunities while preparing youth to function in the secular society based on their Christian teaching.
Gabby Golden Youth Director
Transportation Ministry
Transportion services are available for Sunday services. Please call 785-238-7434 to arrange a ride to and from Church services.
Board of Christian Education
The Board of Christian Education collaborates with the Pastor and the Diaconate to develop, interpret and carry out the Church's Christian Education goals and objectives. The board meets the second Tuesday of each month beginning at 6:30 p.m. Your input and support is encouraged.
Board of Christian Education Director (void)