The Start of I.C.A.R.E.
BackGround History of (I.C.A.R.E.)
* Sept 4, 2000-Seed Planted
The origination of the "Vision" to have an Intergenerational Center in Junction City was conceived and birth. The
The Center would consist of youth &seniors interacting by engaging in various activities to help bridge the gap
of the two generations. Putting the Vison in writing came 5-years later.
* October 2, 2005-The Journey Began: (Habakuk 2:2-3)
Three members of SMBC met to brainstorm the "Purpose and Goal of an Intergenerational Center" in
Junction City. (Pastor Leonard F. Gray, Kathy Tucker, and Vickie Bobbitt) It was decided that more extensive
research should be dome locally and statewide to research other areas who had established an
Intergenerational Center in their location. Also, determine if we were duplicating services in Junction City.
* January 6, 2006- Committee Task Force
The three members shared task assignments and research information that was gathered for the Intergenerational
Center. It was discussed that the Intergenerational Center should be based in the community it possible.
* February 8, 2007- First I.C.A.R.E. Presentation- location Ministerial Alliance of Junction City.
The meeting was coordinated Pastor Paul Wolf, First United Methodist Church of JC and Pastor Leonard F.
Gray of Second Missionary Baptist Church, JC.
* November 8, 2007-First Presentation to Community
Community Connections/ Boys and Girls Club Coalition Meeting. Five community partners were interested in
forming an Intergenerational Committee. Pastor Paul Wolf coordinated with Commissioner Ken Talley to have
a spokesperson on the Agenda to speak about the Intergenerational Center at the coalition meeting.
* December 6, 2007- First Intergenerational Committee Meeting Held.
5 community partners attended.
* May 28, 2008-Executive Director Proposed Official Name of Organization
Intergenerational Clearing house and Resource Educational Center. (I.C.A.R.E.)
(Tonya Bobbitt and Belinda Kittling birth the organizations name.)
* The Temporary location of I.C.A.R.E. is; 701 W. 10th Street, Junction City, Kansas.
* June 26, 2009- I.C.A.R.E. was established as a 501 (c) (3) Organization.